Will GTA 6 really be a shock after GTA 5? Discover the secrets of a former GTA 4 technical director!


  • GTA 6 promises to be a potential shock after the success of GTA 5.
  • A former technical director of GTA 4 shares exclusive insights.
  • Rumors about new game mechanics and a larger map.
  • Character development and narrative trends to take into account.
  • Fans’ expectations in relation to the innovations proposed.
  • Potential impact on the video game industry in general.

While the wait for GTA 6 is reaching new heights, fans are still wondering about the ability of the next opus to surpass its predecessor, GTA 5, which revolutionized the world of video games. To dive into the heart of the issues and innovations that this long-awaited sequel has in store for us, we have gathered the secrets of a former technical director of GTA 4. What do his secrets reveal to us about the development of games of this scale, and how this could be influence our experience in the criminal underworld of Los Santos? Buckle up, the exploration begins!

When we talk about GTA 6, expectations are enormous. But according to Obbe Vermeij, former technical director at Rockstar, we may need to lower our ambitions.

Vermeij’s Perspective

In a recent interview with the YouTube channel SanInPlay, Obbe Vermeij shared his thoughts on the next installment in the series. Having worked on GTA 3, Vice City and San Andreas, he knows what he’s talking about.

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Expectations Too High?

Vermeij warned fans against setting unrealistic expectations. “Maybe they achieved it, maybe it’s amazing, but I think some people have their expectations a little too high.”

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Technological Evolution and Limitations

One reason for this caution, according to Vermeij, is that technological advances are no longer as dramatic as they used to be. “The technological leap between PlayStation 1 and PlayStation 2 was huge. Between PS4 and PS5, it’s not as impressive.”

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Comparative Table of Evolutions

Appearance GTA 5 GTA 6
Graphics Very advanced for the time Promising preview
Entertainment Sophisticated More detailed characters
Gameplay Free and immersive Encouraging given the trailers
Environment Based on California Inspired by Florida
Technical differences Significant jump Moderate jump

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The Promising Aspects of GTA 6

Vermeij did, however, acknowledge some impressive technical aspects. “The scene on the beach, where each character has their own animation, is incredible,” he said. This was also praised by Mike York, former animator at Rockstar.

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List of Promising Improvements

  • Graphics : Even more realistic textures and animations.
  • Character AI : Varied and independent behaviors.
  • Environment : A typical Florida atmosphere, with elements like alligators.

Challenges to Overcome

Creating a big technological leap is difficult in this day and age, especially with the slow evolution of gaming technology. The jump from GTA 2 to GTA 3 or from San Andreas to GTA 4 was gigantic. According to Vermeij, replicating such an advance is virtually impossible today.

Your Questions about GTA 6

Q: Will GTA 6 really be better than GTA 5?
A: According to Obbe Vermeij, although GTA 6 is extremely well done, you shouldn’t expect a technological leap as big as previous iterations.
Q: What are the biggest differences between GTA 5 and GTA 6?
A: The Florida-inspired environment and character animations appear to be the biggest developments based on the trailers.
Q: What are fans’ expectations for GTA 6?
A: Fans are expecting significant improvements in graphics and gameplay, but these expectations might be excessive.
Q: How does Rockstar overcome technical obstacles?
A: Rockstar is banking on graphical and animation improvements, but cannot make big technological leaps.
Q: Are there any technical aspects that GTA 6 does particularly well?
A: Yes, the character animations and the capture of the typical Florida atmosphere seem well mastered.
In summary, GTA 6 should be a great game, but it’s prudent to keep realistic expectations about the extent of the innovations.

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