Why did a Rockstar veteran decide to make the streets of GTA 3 dirtier, but capitulate for San Andreas?


  • Rockstar Veteran wanted to give a darker atmosphere to GTA 3.
  • Decision to make the streets more dirty to reflect an urban reality.
  • Evolution of style, the opposite of vibe sunny San Andreas.
  • Capitulation to player expectations for San Andreas.
  • Final choice influenced by a need for universality and accessibility.

The world of video games is full of secrets, stories and unexpected choices. Recently, a Rockstar veteran made headlines by revealing an intriguing decision regarding the iconic GTA 3: why he wanted to make the streets of Liberty City dirtier while giving in to the cleanliness of the landscapes of San Andreas ? Between artistic creativity and technical constraints, this story takes us behind the scenes of one of the most iconic franchises in video games. Fasten your seat belts, because we are going to explore this unexpected saga where digital urban planning meets obsession with detail!

A designer who listens to the streets

Obbe Vermeij, a Rockstar veteran, decided to add a little mess in the streets of GTA 3, because he found that the latter seemed too clean. With only four textures of waste (two for newspapers and two for leaves), he wanted to give a more realistic touch to this virtual world.

This little touch of realism was there to immerse players in the environment. Vermeij therefore introduced disruptive elements such as waste which can fly with the wind or be dragged by cars. However, in the development of San Andreas, he had to abandon his idea of ​​a “dirtier” world. For what ?

A battle of opinions

Vermeij revealed that he was not the only one working on these details. Within the team, divergent opinions quickly emerged. It was not appreciated by everyone that this virtual world was dotted with detritus. In the end, he “lost the argument” regarding the inclusion of these elements in San Andreas.

This creative struggle between what the developers wanted and what Vermeij had in mind shows the many challenges faced while creating these iconic games. Instead of making the streets dirtier, he focused on other aspects of the game.

The impact of his ideas

After removing the garbage from San Andreas, he was able to apply this same code to other Rockstar games, including Manhunt. It was a way for him to impose his artistic vision while respecting the opinions of his colleagues.

In addition, mods created by the community have appeared, allowing players to bring back this atmosphere “dirty” from GTA 3 in San Andreas. This proves that some fans still want a rougher experience.

Elements GTA 3 San Andreas
Cleanliness of the streets Too clean, adding waste Cleaning, no waste
Waste texts 4 textures None
Justification Make the world more realistic Team conflicts
Code enforcement Same code base used Abandonment of the idea
Reception by the team Support from some Team opposition
Impact on mods Inspiration for mods Lack of waste
Membership percentage Promoted by the community Less appreciated
  • Why did Vermeij add waste? To give a more realistic look to the streets of GTA 3.
  • How many trash textures were used in GTA 3? There were four textures.
  • What led to San Andreas having no trash? Divergences within the development team.
  • What other game used the same code for trash? Manhunt.
  • Do players have the ability to move trash back in San Andreas? Yes, thanks to community-created mods.


Why did Vermeij want to make the streets of GTA 3 dirtier? To create a more immersive and realistic atmosphere.

What types of trash were introduced into GTA 3? Textures of newspapers and leaves.

How did the team react to the idea of ​​adding trash to San Andreas? The idea was poorly received and Vermeij eventually relented.

Were modders able to reintroduce trash into San Andreas? Yes, several mods exist for this.

What other Rockstar games have used garbage code? Manhunt, among others.

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