Toronto underwater: Is it the apocalypse because of the remains of Hurricane Beryl? Find out the shocking truth!


  • Title : Toronto underwater: Is it the apocalypse because of the remains of Hurricane Beryl? Find out the shocking truth!
  • Subject : Impact of remnants of Hurricane Beryl on Toronto
  • Keywords : Toronto, Hurricane Beryl, floods, apocalypse, shocking truth
  • Content : Revelation on the aftermath of the remnants of Hurricane Beryl in Toronto

Toronto, the dynamic and cosmopolitan city, finds itself submerged by water after the devastating passage of Hurricane Beryl. The residents are in shock and wonder if this is the start of the apocalypse. What is the truth behind this natural disaster? Let’s dive into the heart of this mystery to discover the disturbing reality hidden behind the tumultuous waters that invade the streets of the Canadian metropolis.

Storm Beryl hits Toronto: Major flood risks

A rain alert was issued for the City of Toronto, following the remnants of Hurricane Beryl which are expected to cause torrential downpours tonight and tomorrow morning. Environment Canada issued the warning Tuesday afternoon, replacing a special weather statement previously in effect.

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Heavy rainfall expected

According to the meteorological agency, precipitation could reach 40 to 60 millimeters across most of southern Ontario, with even higher peaks in some areas.

“Although the exact path of the weather system remains uncertain, this type of system has produced very significant precipitation in the past,” indicates the warning. Some areas could receive more than 60mm of rain, increasing the risk of local flooding.

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Impact on the Greater Toronto Area (GTA)

Beryl has weakened since making landfall in Texas as a Category 1 hurricane, but could still bring heavy rain on Ontario. THE Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) has issued a flood watch, warning that all shorelines, rivers and streams in the GTA region are dangerous.

The TRCA notes that water levels are expected to rise from tomorrow morning, increasing the risk of widespread flooding in its jurisdiction for Wednesday and Thursday.

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Be careful on the roads

There rain is expected to begin around 1 a.m., with the heaviest showers possible during the morning rush hours this Wednesday. CP24 Meteorologist Bill Coulter advises taking extra precautions and allowing extra time for travel tomorrow morning.

By Thursday, the system should dissipate, giving way to more pleasant weather for the weekend. However, monitor road conditions and avoid flooded areas.

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Wind and terrain conditions

Fortunately, this storm will not be accompanied by significant winds. Winds are only expected to reach 20 km/h tonight and 30 km/h Wednesday, which should limit wind damage.

Environment Canada says the heaviest bands of rain could total between 20 and 40 millimeters per hour, but without marked tropical features, the storm will be more spread out as it moves up the Ohio Valley to the Great Lakes.

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Comparison table

Type of phenomenon Remnants of Hurricane Beryl
Precipitation expected 40-60mm
Precipitation peaks 60+mm
Most affected area Lake Huron and Eastern Ontario
Main impact Local flooding
Wind conditions 20-30 km/h
Start period 1 a.m.
Critical period Morning rush hours
Places to avoid Flooded areas
End of bad weather THURSDAY

Tips for Weathering the Storm

  • Prepare yourselves : Anticipate additional delays in your travels tomorrow morning.
  • Stay informed : Follow weather updates and local alerts.
  • Avoid risky areas : Do not go to potentially flooded areas.
  • Protect your assets : Make sure exterior objects are secure.
  • Stay safe : Do not cross flooded roads.


Q: How much rain is expected?

A: From 40 to 60 millimeters, with possible peaks beyond 60 mm.

Q: When will the storm start?

A: Heavy rain will begin around 1 a.m., with heavy downpours during peak hours Wednesday morning.

Q: Which places will be most affected?

A: The Lake Huron and Eastern Ontario regions will be most affected.

Q: Will the winds be strong?

A: No, winds are expected to be moderate, reaching 20 km/h at night and 30 km/h on Wednesday.

Q: How can I prepare?

A: Allow extra time for your trips, follow the weather forecast and avoid flooded areas.

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