Have you discovered this strange secret in your submarine in GTA Online?


  • Strange secret discovered in your submarine on GTA Online.
  • secret.
  • Hidden clues in the marine environment.
  • Riddles to solve to unlock unique content.
  • Possible interactions with other players
  • Impact on gaming experience and community.

If you’re immersed in the thrilling world of GTA Online, you know that this game never runs out of surprises. And guess what? A strange secret has just surfaced in your submarine! Yes, you heard right ! Between the perilous missions and frantic races, this little underwater gem hides a mystery that could well add a touch of intrigue to your escapades. Hold on tight, because we’re going to explore what this discovery has to offer. Ready to dive into the unknown?

Unexpected drifts in your submarine

Have you ever encountered something strange in your GTA Online ? A player recently shared his surprise when he discovered pallets of marijuana in the command center of his submarine, the Kosatka.

Usually, we expect to see modern navigation tools and weapons there. But who would have imagined that Pavel, the character responsible for managing the submarine, would turn into a drug businessman? This makes you smile, but it also raises questions about the presence of this contraband.

A lock on guided missiles

This mystery becomes even more complicated when we examine the situation closely. It appears that these weed pallets obstruct access to the functionality of the guided missiles, a crucial asset for defending your territory in GTA Online.

Beyond the humor, this situation highlights players’ concerns about cheaters. PC users may have wanted to block this option for the Tomppari player.

Community rituals and jokes

The reaction from other players was equally amusing. Many have joked about the suggestion that Pavel lead a side business. Indeed, the community never lacks imagination when it comes to making the most of an unusual situation.

Let’s compare subs and their features

Features Kosatka
Guided missiles Yes
Equipment transportation Yes
Visible contraband No
Access to missions Yes
Acquisition cost Dear
Inventory shelves Yes
Escape ability Excellent
Customizable options Yes
Cheats Supports Yes

Unexpected surprises

  • Surprise: Drugs in the submarine
  • Property: Obstacle to guided missiles
  • Reactions: Jokes about Pavel
  • Impact: Disappointment of cheaters
  • Objective: Exploration and missions

frequently asked Questions

What type of contraband was found in the submarine? Pallets of marijuana were discovered.

Why do these pallets prevent access to the missiles? They block access to the control of guided missiles.
Do subs offer other features? Yes, they enable equipment transport and other missions.
Is it common to find surprises in GTA Online? Yes, players will often share their amazing discoveries.
How does the community react to cheaters? Jokes and discussions flourish to put the situation into perspective.

Where to learn more about GTA mysteries? Read fascinating articles about the mysteries found in GTA V to explore other juicy secrets.

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