Have GTA 6 fans finally found the key to an explosive trailer hidden in a simple pizza delivery video?


  • Of the GTA 6 fans discovered clues in a seemingly mundane video.
  • The video in question concerns a pizza delivery, but may contain hidden messages.
  • Speculation is rife around a potential explosive trailer.
  • Visual and audio elements were analyzed by the community.
  • This discovery adds to the excitement around GTA 6 and its launch.

In the thrilling world of video games, Grand Theft Auto 6 fans seem to have come to the right place for a mysterious enigma. A simple, seemingly mundane pizza delivery video turns into a veritable treasure hunt as enthusiasts scrutinize every second to unearth hidden clues. Could these budding detectives have gotten their hands on an explosive trailer, promising a taste of one of the most anticipated games of the decade? The excitement is palpable, and the heated debate on the forums only adds to the suspense!

An Intriguing Look at Rockstar Games’ Latest Clip

A brand new clip published by Rockstar Games might just have put his finger on something big. While many expected a simple teaser, the video, which highlights a pizza delivery, seems to have captivated the attention of fans of the saga Grand Theft Auto.

In this clip, players briefly see a delivery scooter with a license plate bearing several intriguing numbers and letters. This detail aroused the curiosity of many enthusiasts speculating on a possible close announcement.

The mysterious elements of the video

When analyzing the video, some fans noted two key things:

  • The letters “OCT” in the upper right corner of the plate.
  • The number “4” found in the word “PIZZ4”.

These elements combined led to the theory that October 4 could be the date of something significant related to GTA 6.

Fan reactions: between speculation and skepticism

As is often the case, the community GTA is divided. While some see this video as a clear indication of next trailer or even, for some, a release date, others consider these speculations a little too far-reaching.

Here are some commonly observed reactions:

  • Fans convinced it’s a Rockstar trick.
  • Others criticize that this is an exaggerated interpretation.

Comparison of fan theories

Theory Arguments
Trailer announcement on October 4 Clue visible on the plate
Release planned for 2025 Interpretations of numbers
Simple promo for GTA Online No direct link with GTA 6
Rockstar likes to play with the fans Mysterious teaser history
Insignificant clip Pizza delivery background

Key takeaways

  • Enigmatic elements: clear letters and numbers in the video.
  • Divergent theories among fans.
  • Massive anticipation around GTA 6.


What does “OCT 4” found in the video mean? This could indicate an important date, probably associated with a trailer or event. GTA 6.
Why so much speculation surrounding a pizza delivery video? Fans of the series are used to teasers Rockstar’s subtle features, which encourage careful analysis of every detail.
What does the community think of these theories? Opinions are divided, some see clear indications while others consider them exaggerated.
Are there any previous similar teasers from Rockstar? Yes, Rockstar has often dropped hints in the past, fueling anticipation and fan theories.
Could this clip really be a promo for GTA Online? Some people think it’s a possibility, given the focus on pizza delivery.

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