Disappointed fans express their dissatisfaction with the performance of GTA 6 on PS5 Pro


  • GTA 6 should not reach the 60 FPS
  • The high expectations of fans regarding the PS5 Pro
  • The experts of Digital Foundry express doubts about performance
  • Violent criticism on social networks
  • Concerns about the game’s visual quality
  • The players fear a disappointment generalized

The rumors surrounding GTA 6 quickly sparked a wave of excitement in the gaming community. However, this joy quickly gave way to a certain disappointment when experts, such as those of Digital Foundry, revealed that the game might not reach the expected 60 FPS, even on the news PS5 Pro. The players, armed with their keyboards, did not fail to make their voices heard on social networks, expressing their dissatisfaction with these revelations which, in their eyes, could tarnish the promise of an exceptional title.

The web is on fire as fans of the famous Rockstar saga, GTA 6, are starting to digest news that will make people cringe: the highly anticipated game should not offer the famous performance at 60 FPS, even on the coveted PS5 Pro. The reactions are strong and numerous, players giving vent to their disappointments on social networks, scrutinizing every detail concerning the technical capabilities of Sony’s latest console.

Excessive expectations for GTA 6

With the announcement of GTA 6, fans expected to discover a game that pushes the boundaries of technology. Great promises, new horizons, and above all, the possibility of enjoying breathtaking graphics in 4K and at 60 FPS. However, feedback from Digital Foundry experts suggests that these expectations could remain unfulfilled. Indeed, it seems complicated, if not impossible, to achieve these performance standards. This caused shock waves within the gaming community.

Reactions on social networks

It didn’t take long for player discontent to spill over onto social platforms like Twitter and Reddit. Criticisms are rife, with users openly mocking the performance promises of the PS5 Pro. Some even mention the fact that Rockstar failed to optimize the famous title to take advantage of the capabilities of the new console. Smiles have turned to grimaces as gamers realize that even the new generation of consoles might not be enough to make GTA 6 shine in all its glory.

Analysts get involved

Experts and analysts in the field were quick to give their opinion on this situation. Some, like Anton Kratiuk, say with certainty that even with the PS5 Pro it will be difficult to run GTA 6 at 60 FPS. They claim that improvements to the console’s GPU will not compensate for the limitations of the processor which remains unchanged. This just adds salt to a wound already made worse by high player expectations.

The promise of the PS5 Pro questioned

Launched with great fanfare as the console that would revolutionize gaming, the PS5 Pro already finds himself in the crosshairs. The much-vaunted performance is now being called into question in light of the performance of GTA 6. Players are skeptical about the console’s ability to run the game optimally, and this results in very critical comments. Many messages suggest that the enthusiasm around the console could turn into disillusionment.

Towards an adaptation or a change of course?

With so many concerns raised, the question many gamers are asking is simple: Will Rockstar adapt to this new technological landscape or will it risk disappointing an ardent fanbase? Players are now waiting for clear answers on how Grand Theft Auto will be optimized to take full advantage of the PS5 Pro. In the meantime, the debate rages, and rumors are circulating about potential changes that Rockstar could consider before launch.

From promises to reality

It is undeniable that the enormous expectation surrounding GTA 6 lined up the fans in an almost feverish state of expectation. However, the announcement that the game might not achieve the promised performance targets came as a cold shower. Whether it is a simple indiscretion or a misleading statement, players no longer know what to do, and the world of video games is once again confronted with the harsh realities of technological developments. For everyone, the quest for the ideal experience continues, but the repercussions of the current announcements will clearly leave marks in the hearts of fans.

Fans’ dissatisfaction with GTA 6 on PS5 Pro

Axis of comparison Fan reactions
Performance Expectations Fans were hoping for a 60 FPS fluid.
Reaction on social networks Thousands of negative comments are circulating.
Craze for the PS5 Pro The console presented as revolutionary, but disappoints.
Expert analysis Digital Foundry announces limited performance.
Comparison with PS5 Few concrete improvements on the flagship title.
General frustration Feelings of waiting for a game too powerful for the console.

Fan reactions to GTA 6 and PS5 Pro

  • General disappointment: Players expected superior performance.
  • 60 FPS inaccessible: Anxiety about the lack of 60 FPS, even on the PS5 Pro.
  • Unmet expectations: The promises of the PS5 Pro deemed insufficient.
  • Performance Reviews: Fans complain about technical limitations.
  • Reaction on social networks: Complaints are pouring in on various platforms.
  • Comparisons with other games: GTA 6 is deemed too demanding for the console.
  • Frustration with marketing: Marketing promises deemed misleading.
  • Risk of disappointment upon release: Growing concerns about gaming experience.

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