After Immortals of Aveum setback, developers join ex-GTA exec’s new venture


  • Immortals of Aveum met a failure commercial.
  • THE developers looking for a new opportunity.
  • Join Absurd Ventures, founded by Dan Houser, formerly of Rockstar.
  • A new beginning to create a promising game.
  • A adventure which could restore their image.

After the reverse stinging from Immortals of Aveum, the developers seem to have found a promising new horizon. Indeed, abandoning ship, they are now committed to Absurd Ventures, the young company founded by Dan Houser, a prominent Rockstar figure. This change of direction could offer these creators a new chance to shine and restore their image in the video game world. The ambitions are great, and hope is reborn for these professionals eager to bring even more daring projects to life.

What could have been a glorious new beginning with Immortals of Aveum ultimately turned into a dismal failure for its developers. But in light of this setback, a glimmer of hope appears, because these talents are now coming together under the umbrella of a new company founded by Dan Houser, a former pillar of Rockstar. This ambitious project could well embody the renewal that these creators need.

A resounding failure

The release of Immortals of Aveum was marked by mixed reviews, illustrating that, despite a colossal budget of approximately $125 million, the game failed to convince the public. The spending was largely allocated to development, but also to marketing campaigns which ultimately did not deliver the expected results. This failure left developers with a bitter taste and unclear future prospects.

Future earnings from Immortals of Aveum

Recently, news came fromElectronic Arts revealed that all future revenues generated by Immortals of Aveum will return to the developers. A decision which, although surprising, could bring some comfort to those who believed in the potential of the game. These revenues, far from erasing the initial failure, could however give a boost to their morale and possibly finance future video game adventures.

The new chapter: Absurd Ventures

After this failure, developers have a golden opportunity to reinvent themselves by joining Absurd Ventures, the company recently launched by Dan Houser. With a well-established reputation in the industry, thanks to his involvement in the creation of the series GTA, Houser could well breathe new life into these creators looking for a new lease of life. According to sources, the new studio will work on a promising narrative game project.

The wind of change is blowing

With this new collaboration, the developers of Immortals of Aveum hope to finally be able to rediscover their creativity, far from the constraints that characterized their previous project. Houser’s vision for Absurd Ventures seems focused on intense narratives and immersive universes, two aspects that could allow these developers to return to the forefront. Many are eagerly awaiting the first glimpses of upcoming projects.

Reviews that are not forgotten

At the same time, although the Immortals of Aveum project was poorly received by a significant portion of players, the debate on the game continues to fuel discussions in the community. Some critics do not hesitate to describe its concept as “truly horrible”, highlighting the lessons to be learned from this failure to avoid future missteps. It’s a reminder that even the biggest studios aren’t immune to setbacks.

Virtual reality for GTA?

Speaking of innovation, know that the universe of GTA could soon prove to be “larger than life” with advances in virtual reality. Recently developed mods are already taking this title to new heights, allowing players to immerse themselves in a welcoming and fast-paced world. These fan initiatives remind us that the community is always looking for new experiences, which brings a welcome touch of madness to the industry.

In this period of transition, hopes are now focused on the future, and Dan Houser’s new studio could well be the cradle of a new era for these developers, a decisive passage towards a future less obscured by past failures.

New Horizons for Developers

Elements Details
Context Commercial failure of Immortals of Aveum.
New Opportunity Join Absurd Ventures, founded by Dan Houser.
Profile of Dan Houser Renowned former GTA and Rockstar manager.
Amount Invested $125 million for Immortals of Aveum.
Fan Reaction Criticism of Xbox’s studio closures.
Future The developers hope for further success.
Focus of the New Studio Creation of innovative and engaging games.
  • Failure of Immortals of Aveum – A significant setback in video game development.
  • New opportunity – The developers are looking to bounce back with a new project.
  • Absurd Ventures – New company founded by a former Rockstar pillar, Dan Houser.
  • Creation of a studio – Launch of a new studio under the aegis of Absurd.
  • Collaboration with experts – Lots of expertise on the project from industry veterans.
  • Significant investment – Substantial budgets are allocated to guarantee the success of the new game.
  • Fans’ expectation – Players hope for a renewal and a memorable experience.

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