Quelle est la voiture la plus rapide de GTA ?

According to Brough’s ranking, the fastest car in Grand Theft Auto V is the Ocelot Pariah, which managed to clock at 136 mph (when fully tuned). Then the IGN option (the Grotti Itali RSX) is listed at 135 mph and the Pfister 811 at 132 mph.

Quelle est la voiture la plus rapide de GTA 2021 ?

Quelle est la voiture la plus rapide de GTA 2021 ?
© dexerto.com

On the road, the Ocelot Pariah is the fastest car. The $ 1,420,000 sports car has a record high of 218.87 km / h after a YouTuber Broughy1322 flat line speed test.

What’s the best car in the new GTA 5 DLC? The Dinka Jester RR takes the top spot on this list and stands as the fastest vehicle added to the game in the new GTA 5 DLC. It features a very futuristic design with fluid body elements.

What is the rarest car in GTA 5? Pegassi’s Zentorno is probably the hottest sports car in GTA 5! And luckily for you, you can get it right in the game, so head to a small car park under one of the city center highway exits to find it and enjoy this little seahorse. !

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Quelle est la voiture la plus rapide de GTA ? en vidéo


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Quel voiture GTA 5 Online ?

Quel voiture GTA 5 Online ?
© dmcdn.net

5 Best Race Cars in GTA Online in 2021 Recorded at a top speed of 127.25 mph (204.79 km / h), the Emerus is easily one of the fastest vehicles in GTA Online and is one hell of a race car.

What is the fastest car in GTA 5 Online? 1. Ocelot Paria (136 mph) Despite its basic appearance, the Ocelot Pariah is the fastest car in GTA Online with no boost.

Where can you find the most beautiful cars in GTA 5 Online? To find the FIB cars in GTA 5, all you have to do is go to the satellite area under Sandy Shores. You will take a few shots, but you will also have the opportunity to steal the vehicles. It is recommended to go around 10am to ensure vehicles are present.

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