Why did Meta choose to delay the highly anticipated GTA San Andreas VR indefinitely? Find out the truth behind this shocking decision!


  • Indefinite delay for GTA San Andreas VR announced by Meta.
  • Of the technical problems and of development identified as the main causes.
  • Potential impact onVR ecosystem and the competitiveness of Meta.
  • High production cost led to a strategic reassessment.
  • Analysis of user feedback on the pre-release, influencing the final decision.
  • Strengthened focus on other VR projects underway at Meta.

In the world of video games, there are announcements that cause a sensation, and the GTA San Andreas virtual reality project is no exception. While fans are getting impatient and rubbing their hands at the idea of ​​diving into this immersive experience, Meta’s decision to indefinitely delay the development of this nugget has left everyone wanting more. But what could possibly be the reason for such an about-face? Between the technical issues, the expectations of gamers and the pressure of the market, let’s discover together the underside of this shocking decision which shook the world of gaming!

Disturbing announcements for a classic

In 2021, the announcement that GTA San Andreas would arrive on the Meta Quest 2 raised many questions. Despite its status as the best-selling title on PS2, the game seemed to have become dated, incompatible with the expectations of today’s gamers.

Recently, information hit like a bolt from the blue: the development of San Andreas VR is now on indefinite hiatus. Suffice to say that fans have something to scratch their heads. What is really going on at Meta?

A citadel in decline

The indefinite hiatus hitting this project isn’t just a matter of timing. According to sources, Meta faces colossal financial challenges, having recorded losses close to 16 billion dollars in 2023. For a company known for its innovations, these figures are alarming.

It seems that the decision to put this project on hold is linked to a desire to reduce costs. Indeed, the development of VR games does not always seem profitable, and Meta has chosen to focus on other projects. But what impact will this have on the gaming community?

An endless mystery

One of the most frustrating things about San Andreas VR is the lack of information. Three years after its announcement, details are very rare, apart from the famous logo revealed during the first presentation. A situation all the more surprising when we know that projects such as Resident Evil 4 VR met with great success, would prove that this adventure could resonate with fans of Rockstar.

A revealing comparison

Postman Impact on San Andreas VR
Previous failures Negative impact on expectations
Development costs Suspension of non-priority projects
Competition Pressure to innovate at lower cost
Market Status Uncertainty about profitability

List of main concerns

  • High costs associated with VR game development
  • Disruption caused by financial losses
  • Difficulty attracting a large audience
  • Exposure to negative reviews of previous remakes
  • Lack of transparency in project development


Why the development of San Andreas VR is it paused? The suspension is linked to financial considerations and strategic choices by Meta.
Have there been other similar cases at Rockstar? Yes, the studio has recently canceled other projects following negative feedback.
What are the possible consequences of this decision for players? Players could find themselves without access to long-awaited VR experiences, leading to frustration and disillusionment.
Can I hope for a release from San Andreas VR in the future ? For now, this remains uncertain, but the situation could change if Meta decides to reassess its priorities.

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